What is this?
Storyteller is a self-hosted platform for creating and reading ebooks with guided narration. It's made up of two components: the alignment server, and the mobile apps. Together, these components allow you to take audiobooks and ebooks that you already own and automatically align them, as well as read or listen to (or both!) the resulting aligned books.
Who is this for?
Storyteller allows you to:
- Switch between listening to a book in audiobook format and reading it as a digital, visual book without losing your place
- Listen to a book's narration while reading it, highlighting the text as it's read.
Storyteller is also self-hosted software. This means that instead of running on servers owned by a company or other organization, it runs on your servers. You own your content and your data, and it will always be available to you!
How do I use it?
If you're looking to host your own Storyteller instance, take a look at the Getting started guide. If you or someone you know has already created a Storyteller instance and invited you to it, and you'd just like to read the books they've shared with you, take a look at the Reading your books documentation.